Cycle Future Route 11 A206 Woolwich Road

A Pas128 QL D, C and B survey along a large section of the A206 Woolwich Road.
QL D & C providing an initial 2D AutoCAD drawing followed by the QL B which provided the appropriate level of detail to produce a 3D AutoCAD drawing, with results being added to a 3D topographical base drawing (to be provided by the client) and our latest generation written report.

Site Vision Surveys Ltd (SVS Ltd) were recently tasked with providing Pas128 QL D, C and B buried utility service detection and mapping services for a Transport for London (TFL) project.

Our client provided clear instruction along with concise area drawings, for specific tasks and outputs and a deadline for final deliverables agreed.

With a good understanding of what was required we were able to create an approach, utilsing a variety of survey techniques and devices, that would maximise outputs whilst minimising disruption to local road users and residents.

Initial Works

The QL D and C elements of the Pas128 approach provide numerous benefits.

With historical, local authority / statutory and as built data (provided by the client) in hand, we undertook an initial “recce” across the entire site to validate the information we received and take the opportunity to better understand the local environment.

To see first-hand how an area works is to understand how our activities might affect it.

The “recce” enabled us to better understand the mechanics of local businesses and residents, and the way we might initiate an approach to minimise any disruption to local roads user, cyclist and pedestrians alike.

One particular advantage being our arsenal of devices and the ability to deploy the right equipment to facilitate appropriate outcomes.


Our stream C pavement ground probing radar system was deployed with great effect, gathering mass data sets from across all footpaths and open areas with little to no disruption to pedestrians and cyclists alike.

The results being drawn from this data are really impressive, identifying a mass of buried utility services, subsurface features and other anomalies.

Coverage of the GPR was monitored in real time, utilising the “track map” facility eradicating the possibility of any data gaps. This data would be post processed back at HQ and cross referenced against both QL D and the Pas128 QL B findings.

The attending survey teams were also tasked with gathering high level IC / MH chamber data, as we continually invest in the services we provide, this was a straight forward exercise utilising our current palm held devices and task specific software.

Issues Arising / Overcome

A number of local residents objected to the presence of K9 security and so we resolved this matter by deploying greater numbers of security personnel in the remaining project period addressing the concerns whilst providing some comfort to our personnel.

It is a sad reflection of the times that working in some areas of the country requires us to deploy security measures – see the heat map image.

In East London and South East London this is now a regular requirement on all sites.

SVS Ltd Senior Management has attended various seminars, Teams talks and industry lead initiatives where they have had the opportunity to both share our own experiences and learn from others.

Issues Arising / Overcome Continued

Each occasion being a learning event with further security measures and devices now being applied and awareness to our surroundings shared with all members of staff.

The need for action from “the powers at be” is greater than ever.

Through out the life cycle of the project regular site and data audits were undertaken by ourselves and our client reaffirming project objectives and deliverables.

Our final deliverable mirrored the look and colour scheme of the defined area drawings, providing a valuable data heavy, but easy to follow product supported by the detailed IC / MH chamber cards and comprehensive first account report written by the attending project manager.

“SVS Ltd were asked to provide a comprehensive assessment of what lies beneath the Woolwich Road si te and we achieved this through a shared desire and understanding of what the project goals where, as sociated targets and what was needed from our product deliverable, by all parties concerned. A highly productive and enjoyable way to approach a project, achieving it’s just deserts”.